Benefits of overnight oats!

Benefits Of Overnight Oats

Benefits Of Overnight Oats!

Oats is a common breakfast food enjoyed by many, and there’s no doubt it’s delicious when enjoyed hot and cozy. Oats provide magnesium, fiber, plant-based protein, potassium, and they contain absolutely no sugar. But some people find cooked oats hard to digest, even gluten-free oats. This is where the benefits of raw, soaked oats might be a better option.

Soaked oats have some unique properties that make them a must for those looking to improve their morning breakfast. The best part is, soaked oats are easy, take less time to prepare, and all the work is done overnight as you sleep.

Here’s why overnight oats are better breakfast choice:

1. They’re much easier to digest.

As the oats soak overnight (either in non-dairy milk or yogurt), their starches break down which improves digestibility and their natural phytic acid (which all plants contain) is greatly reduced that makes them more easily absorbed by your body. The soaking acts like a slow cook, which you won’t get from just heating them in the microwave or on the stove. Most people find oats that have been soaked overnight, much easier to digest than cooked oats for this reason.

2. They’re higher in resistant starch

Resistant starch is a natural type of carbohydrate found in all starchy foods. It’s been linked to increased satiety, improved weight, and even better digestion. Resistant starch is greater in cooled starches than in cooked starches. Many studies in humans show that resistant starch can have powerful health benefits.This includes improved insulin sensitivity, lower blood sugar levels, reduced appetite and various benefits for digestion Soaking oats is an easy way to eat your oats and take advantage of resistant starch at the same time.

3. They save you time

Soaking oats takes all of 2 minutes at night and yet it saves you up to 10 minutes the next morning, not to mention the hassle of remembering to prepare them. All you have to do is add your oats and other add-ins to a jar or bowl, give them a stir or shake, and pop them in the fridge to “do their thing” as you sleep. Then in the morning, just grab, go, and dig in! No piddling over the stove, over- boiling in the microwave, or waiting on them to cool until you eat them. Easy and tasty!

4. They’re versatile

Even the fussiest eater or oatmeal hater, will have a hard time turning down flavours like Chocolate & Strawberry, Blueberry & Vanilla, Carrot Cake, or Banana & Coconut Oatmeal. Or what about peanut butter, almond butter, cacao nibs and cinnamon oats? You can put whatever creative add- ins you like in your oats. The ideas for breakfast are limitless, see how many different variations you can come up with!