Entries by admin

5 Changes You Can Make to Your Nutrition for Successful ‘Dieting’

Do you wonder why you haven’t been able to shift the weight? 1. This is going to hurt but the simplest step is: Stop eating crap! Most processed foods are generally filled with so much rubbish! They have lost their nutrients during the processing phase and are often filled with unhealthy fats, sugar or artificial […]

What’s all the fuss with Squats?

Do you think running will build you a bum that Nikki Minaj would be jealous of? Not even close. SQUAT and see the results of hard work! The benefits of squatting could not be covered in one simple blog but I will do my best to give my opinion on why everyone should have some […]

Strength Training – The Key to keeping weight off…

When you have a recipe for a meal (let’s say a Pad Thai), you need to follow the recipe or at least use all the ingredients. If you leave out the rice, noodles or the peanuts, it’s not going to be what you want. You will get a different result. It’s the same with fat […]

The 5 Top Reasons Why You’re Not Reaching Your Goals

“I want to lose 12kgs in 2 months.” This is something we hear all the time! Setting these types of goals can sometimes mean setting yourself up for disappointment. To use a classic quote, Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was a healthy lifestyle. That’s why you started training in the first place, […]