How to Squat?

How to Squat?

1. Feet just outside of shoulder width– Toes either face forward or slightly out to the side 15-25 degrees only.

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2. Switch your core on– Many people think that by sucking in your belly you will switch on your core. It is the exact opposite,  you need to fill up your stomach with air to create intra-abdominal pressure to switch on your core.

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3. On decent knees should be driven out– Don’t allow your knees to collapse in( Valgas collapse) during decent or accent as this puts your body into a compromised position and you are more likely to not get the lift or injure yourself. (Refer to photos – Valgas collapse vs Knees out)

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4. Bar should be traveling over the mid point of your foot– This keeps the bar in your center line of gravity and makes it easier for your levers (Hips and knees) to generate power to drive out of the hole. The bar should be in line with the middle of your foot at the bottom position of your squat. (Refer to photos – Bar over mid point of foot)

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5. Drive out of the middle of your foot, ensure heels are down– Many cues trainer’s give is to drive out of your heels. If you put to much weight onto your heels then you are likely to fall backwards. The same also goes if you fall forward onto your toes you are more likely to fall forward or put additional strain onto your knees (Refer to photo –  Heels up).  Instead think about pushing the floor apart with your feet while pushing the mid-point of your foot into the ground.

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6. Once you get past the transition zone (Approximately half way) – Drive your hips through by squeezing your gluteus. Refer to photos; Photo 1 Michael has his gluteus switched off and knees locked. Photo 2 Michael has his gluteus squeezed and is in a good finishing position.

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 We’ve also uploaded some short instructional videos on our Facebook Page

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