
If you haven’t been using a foam roller, then you are missing out on one of the most effective tools at your disposal for physique-building, recovery and injury prevention. Rollers are the most popular mechanism for self-myofascial release, or SMR, and are gaining popularity among elite athletes of all walks because of the drastic and usually immediate impact it has on their performance and overall health. Here are some of the most frequently discussed aspects of SMR as it pertains to dedicated lifters.



Myofascial release is a hands-on technique that therapists have been using for years. To achieve this release, a therapist would apply a low load, long duration dragging force across layers of soft-tissue in the body. After a period of time, through some different mechanisms in the body, the body will “release” the tissue and mobility between those sliding surfaces is restored. To make these changes on oneself, a foam roller can be used in place of therapist’s hands. While the foam roller will never completely replace therapists, it serves as a great alternative.


SMR can have a wide range of benefits for the everyday gym-goer. Some of the basic, most obvious benefits will be increased blood flow throughout the body, better movement and increased range of motion. These benefits can decrease the chance of injury and decrease recovery time after a workout. A decreased recovery time means more training sessions per week/month and results can come quicker. Increased circulation is huge for recovery and greater ROM means you get to work muscles more thoroughly on lifting days.

Free Weights Vs Machines

If you’re new to the scenery of a gym facility, you’re probably overwhelmed by seeing a large variety of equipment. Once you’ve mastered the cardio room, you’ll make your way to try some resistance exercises. You’ll notice two main differences with the equipment in this room; free weights (dumbbells, barbells, kettle bells etc) and machines (cable weight stacks, smith machine, plate loadable equipment etc). 

So what’s the difference? Which is better? 

For many people, dumbbells and barbells are used to provide a great workout. Free weights, together with a bench and a rack, offer a great variety of exercises. Some advantage of free weights are:

Can be used at home or at a gym .

Functional to everyday movements

You can increase strength through a full range of motion

Sport specific movements can be trained with free weights

You can strengthen large muscle groups at once, saving time and increasing heart rate

Free weights require more coordination and control than machine weights which guide you through a fixed range of motion

Free weights are more challenging.

Many machines use a stack of weight as a means of resistance. By the use of cams, cables, gears and pulleys, the resistance from the weight stack can be controlled by one specific movement. Still other machines may require giant springs or rubber bands to provide resistance, and may be less capable of gradual increases in resistance. Some large multi-station weight machines allow a variety of exercises for a full body workout.

– Focuses on one muscle group at a time , great for isolation.

– Goes through a guided and specific range of motion, which can be great when starting strength training or rehabilitating from an injury.

– Assists with control of movement .

– If the machine is properly adjusted it can provide proper form through the lift.

Both types of resistant equipment has its individual advantages. The decision on which one you want to use should be considered on your current goals and training experience. Either way, they are both a great way to add variety and enjoyment to your health and fitness routine.

Preparation Time: 5 min
Cook Time: 1hr
Total Time: 1hr and 5min
Serves: 8


2 Cups Buckwheat Puffs
3-4 tbsp Chia Seeds
3-4 tbspCacao Powder
1/2 Cup Unsweetened Desiccated Coconut Coconut Oil
3-4 tbsp Rice Malt Syrup (you can use honey if you prefer a sweeter taste)
2-3 tbsp Nut Butter of your Choice (I prefer Almond Butter)
2-3 tbsp Unsweetened Coconut Milk (if mixture is too dry)


Combine dry ingredients first, then add all the wet ingredients. Stir with a

spoon until well combined and mixture is sticky. Spoon into cupcake molds 1 (silcone ones are easy as you can re-use them) and freeze for 1hr. Keep

crackles in the freezer until ready to eat, otherwise they will melt and go soft.


Do Something Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For.

At All4Fitness we have recently started Metabolic Conditioning Classes or as you all know it, Met-Con.

So, what is “Met-Con”? 

Metabolic conditioning simply refers to structured patterns of work and rest periods to elicit a desired response from the body. This desired response is usually to maximize efficiency of a particular energy system. The body has several different methods of getting energy. Different ratios of work to rest periods call upon different energy systems and cause specific adaptations. 

To fully be able to apply the concepts of metabolic conditioning, let’s first look at the main ways the body gets energy during exercise.

Metabolism simply refers to how we break down food for energy. Everything we ingest must be broken down into smaller particles in order to be used by the body. There are three primary pathways for metabolism that each has their own place and purpose.


Think of this system as the fastest and most powerful method of getting energy. It’s mainly utilized when performing power exercises that last less than 10 seconds (think Olympic lifts and sprinting).  With usually four to five minutes recovery time.


This is an intermediate system that provides energy for activities lasting between one to four minutes. It’s primarily used in shorter duration, intense activities including weightlifting and mid-distance running intervals (400-800m). The glycolytic pathway takes between one and three minutes to recover.


This long-lasting energy system can go for hours upon hours of easy to moderate intensity work. Since we have almost limitless amounts of fuel for the aerobic system (fat), it can recover in a matter of seconds.

With the three major pathways outlined, keep in mind that there is always interplay. No one sole pathway is working at a time. Throughout a workout, each system is contributing to some degree; however, certain work to rest ratios call upon one primary system.


For many years,research has shown that gut health is critical to overall health, and that an unhealthy gut contributes to a wide range of diseases including diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, autism spectrum disorder, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The human gut contains 10 times more bacteria than all the human cells in the entire body, with over 400 known diverse bacterial species. In fact, you could say that we’re more bacterial than we are human. Woah!

Bacteria can be classed as either harmful or helpful. Beneficial bacteria come and go so we don’t have a permanent supply. So for a vibrant gut “economy,” we need to continually replenish them via diet.
Beneficial gut bacteria help manufacture vitamins (B12, K, B6, B5, B3, folate and biotin), enhance absorption of minerals, fight off pathogens, digest food, and metabolise drugs. They even influence total body metabolism!

Unfortunately, several features of the modern lifestyle directly contribute to unhealthy gut flora:

  • Antibiotics and other medications like birth control and NSAIDs
  • Diets high in refined carbohydrates, sugar and processed foods
  • Diets low in fermentable fibers
  • Dietary toxins like wheat and industrial seed oils that cause leaky gut
  • Chronic stress
  • Chronic infectionsWhen the gut wall is irritated or inflamed, the tight junctions between its cells loosen up and we get increased permeability (or leaky gut syndrome). Inflammation, stress, pharmaceuticals, bacterial balance, malnutrition, compounds in food (gluten, casein, lectins, fructose, etc), and food additives can all influence the junctions in our gut and weaken their bonds.Leaky gut and bad gut flora are common because of the modern lifestyle. If you have a leaky gut, you probably have bad gut flora, and vice versa. And when your gut flora and gut barrier are impaired, you will be inflamed. Period.

    A few steps to help restore your gut flora:

  • Remove all food toxins from your diet
  • Eat plenty of fermentable fibers (starches like sweet potato, yam, yucca, etc.)
  • Eat fermented foods like kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, kim chi, etc., and/or take a high-quality,multi-species probiotic
  • Treat any intestinal pathogens (such as parasites) that may be present
  • Take steps to manage your stress

No Sleepin Thecity

Conventional  Vs  Sumo Deadlift

If you didn’t know already there are two main ways to perform your  Deadlift; conventional and sumo.  While both variations emphasize the posterior chain, the traditional deadlift typically sends the lifter into a more bent over posture since its performed in a narrower stance. Although the narrower stance may cause trouble to some lifters, it may also help generate more power. By placing their base of support directly underneath the hips, many lifters are able to pull more weight off the floor.

As the name implies, the sumo deadlift forces lifters to assume a wide stance bringing them closer to the ground and allowing them to keep their torso up taller. Some lifters may feel more comfortable being upright, although, many trainers caution that the sumo squat does place a huge emphasis on hip flexibility. To get in the proper position, lifters should work on flexibility around the hips, especially the adductors.

But which should I perform? 

Some studies will show through a biomechanical advantage,  if you have short arms relative to your  torso, you are better suited to adopting a sumo stance when deadlifting. If you have long arms relative to your torso, you will probably find conventional deadlifts easier. The best way to really decide is to try both. Be taught adopting both forms of the deadlift and make a decision once your lifting technique reaches a comfortably advanced level. Out of the two there is no ‘wrong’ deadlift. Both ways performed correctly makes a very beneficial exercise for the human body. 

5 Reasons Salmon Is Actually Good For Your Health!

5 reasons salmon is actually good for your health!

#1 It’s packed with a variety of essential nutrients

Salmon is an excellent source of fatty acids like Omega-3, as well as Vitamins A, B & D. It also contains minerals like selenium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and iron.

#2 Assists with Brain and Nerve Function

The omega-3 fatty acids increase the efficiency of brain functions, improves memory and keep it active during long working hours. Along with the amino acids, vitamin A, vitamin D, and selenium, these fatty acids protect the nervous system from damage related to aging, acts as an antidepressant, relaxes the brain and also helps in treating Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

#3 Prevents Cardiovascular Disease

The omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D found in salmon helps repair damages to the cardiovascular tissues. It also helps reduce the blood pressure as well, by lowering cholesterol levels and preventing the hardening of artery walls. This considerably reduces the chances of heart attacks.

#4 Helps you sleep better

Salmon is an excellent source of tryptophan, an all-natural sedative. Studies show that tryptophan increases sleepiness in subjects with mild insomnia and helps to shorten the time it takes to fall asleep.

#5 Excellent source of protein

Salmon contains up to 58 percent of the daily required intake of protein per 110 gram serving. Salmon contains essential amino acids that promote growth and help maintain muscle tissue mass. The protein found in salmon helps the body maintain metabolism at levels to promote weight loss. Eating salmon will also help manage insulin levels throughout the body, and keep you feeling full longer . It can be eaten with a serving of fresh steamed vegetables for a heart-healthy dinner that will give you energy and ease hunger pangs.

Don'T Get Comfortable!.

Don’t get comfortable!

Every session should promote progression in either the movements, weight, reps, sets or rest.
The body needs to be continually shocked to build muscle to encourage growth!
If you’ve been following the same program for months and don’t feel the challenge both mentally and physically, its time to mix things up!

Building Symmetry
Focus on lagging body parts and ensure they receive extra attention without overtraining
Incorporate mobility exercises for any movements you find restricted e.g.: overhead press or activating glutes in a squat. By working on full range of motion you will allow the muscles to grow and avoid injury
Avoid overtraining. Allow adequate rest before training that same body part again to avoid injury and allow recovery for growth
Incorporate variety into your training to stimulate the muscles in different ways
Practise posing to assess your symmetry from all angles.

Note Progress!
Progress photos are a fantastic way to see results.
Sometimes the scales, measurements or even your DEXA scan can be inaccurate and disheartening however, photos never lie!
Ensure you are wearing the same outfit, have the same lighting and holding the same poses. This will allow you to see progress and determine the next move.

Benefits Of Overnight Oats!

Oats is a common breakfast food enjoyed by many, and there’s no doubt it’s delicious when enjoyed hot and cozy. Oats provide magnesium, fiber, plant-based protein, potassium, and they contain absolutely no sugar. But some people find cooked oats hard to digest, even gluten-free oats. This is where the benefits of raw, soaked oats might be a better option.

Soaked oats have some unique properties that make them a must for those looking to improve their morning breakfast. The best part is, soaked oats are easy, take less time to prepare, and all the work is done overnight as you sleep.

Here’s why overnight oats are better breakfast choice:

1. They’re much easier to digest.

As the oats soak overnight (either in non-dairy milk or yogurt), their starches break down which improves digestibility and their natural phytic acid (which all plants contain) is greatly reduced that makes them more easily absorbed by your body. The soaking acts like a slow cook, which you won’t get from just heating them in the microwave or on the stove. Most people find oats that have been soaked overnight, much easier to digest than cooked oats for this reason.

2. They’re higher in resistant starch

Resistant starch is a natural type of carbohydrate found in all starchy foods. It’s been linked to increased satiety, improved weight, and even better digestion. Resistant starch is greater in cooled starches than in cooked starches. Many studies in humans show that resistant starch can have powerful health benefits.This includes improved insulin sensitivity, lower blood sugar levels, reduced appetite and various benefits for digestion Soaking oats is an easy way to eat your oats and take advantage of resistant starch at the same time.

3. They save you time

Soaking oats takes all of 2 minutes at night and yet it saves you up to 10 minutes the next morning, not to mention the hassle of remembering to prepare them. All you have to do is add your oats and other add-ins to a jar or bowl, give them a stir or shake, and pop them in the fridge to “do their thing” as you sleep. Then in the morning, just grab, go, and dig in! No piddling over the stove, over- boiling in the microwave, or waiting on them to cool until you eat them. Easy and tasty!

4. They’re versatile

Even the fussiest eater or oatmeal hater, will have a hard time turning down flavours like Chocolate & Strawberry, Blueberry & Vanilla, Carrot Cake, or Banana & Coconut Oatmeal. Or what about peanut butter, almond butter, cacao nibs and cinnamon oats? You can put whatever creative add- ins you like in your oats. The ideas for breakfast are limitless, see how many different variations you can come up with!

- Recipe -Baked Zucchini Chips-2 Copy

Weight Belt:

Most people assume that a lifting belt supports your back. The truth is that a good belt is designed to increase intra-abdominal pressure, which stabilizes your entire midsection. This is why the design of your belt is very important.

Wrist Wraps:

Wrist wraps are used to keep your wrists steady and secured when lifting weight. They help keep your wrists in place, lessens wrist pain and decreases the chance of injury. Wrists are more supported and comfortable, possibly allowing you to do more reps.

Wrist Straps:

Wrist straps can enable you to train more frequently with heavier weights and more repetitions. Often when performing an exercise your grip becomes weakened during a set. When your grasp on a weight is compromised, you are forced to prematurely conclude the set because you are no longer capable of supporting the weight.