Entries by admin


3 tips for overcoming a lack of motivation

Lack of motivation is something that almost everyone goes through at times and something we deal with a lot as trainers. Here are 3 tips to overcome this: 1. Stop making excuses. So you’re feeling unmotivated? This is the time when we start hearing a lot of reasons and excuses for cancelled training sessions and […]

Flexible Dieting

As far as ‘dieting’ goes, it seems like the list of diets are quite endless. From Atkins to Caveman, Keto to Straw, there are so many to choose from. The common trend we see in most of these are that the ‘diet’ puts you in a calorie deficit. (you eat less than you burn- which […]



HOW CAN YOU RECOVER FROM HOLIDAY WEIGHT GAIN? If you have gone on a holiday recently, you may realise that it isn’t necessarily hard to eat clean. Then again, you’re on holiday’s, so that means your diet and fitness are on holiday’s too! It can be very easy to go on a binge fest where […]


Food Diaries & Tracking

Food Diaries & Tracking Nutrition plays a significant part of health and fitness whether your goals are fat loss, weight gain or performance. Which means it would be a great idea to educate yourself (or receive education) on all the different food groups. So now I know my basic food groups, how do I incorporate […]

Recipe: Nutty Choc Protein Balls

Nutty Choc Protein Balls Active Time: 10-12 min Total Time: 10-12 min INGREDIENTS • 120 gram Raw/Natural Nuts of your choice (i.e Almonds & Cashews) • 60 gram sunflower seeds • 4 tablespoon Chocolate Protein Powder • 2 tablespoon raw cacao powder • 2 tablespoon Nut Butter of your choice • 100 grams pitted dates […]

Set Goals + Follow a Plan = Success!

                            An exercise plan is essentially a ‘road map’ that clearly identifies the steps needed to take, to reach your desired destination. Research has shown that goal setting greatly increases the chances of adherence and the achievement of outcomes. Without structure, you […]

Basics on Macronutrients

                      Basics on Macronutrients Have you ever heard the word ‘calories’ being thrown around when people are speaking about nutrition. If you have, you’ve probably also come across the word ‘macros’ or in full, ‘Macronutrients’. It’s safe to say once you know what they are, […]

5 Reasons Why You Struggle Losing Body Fat

1. You eat too much This might seem like an obvious mistake, but many people truly don’t know how many calories they’re actually eating. For example, ordering a salad might seem like a healthy choice, but you could be getting a 700-calorie meal without even knowing it. Sauces, dressing, and oils, all have calories you […]

Reasons to limit Sugar & Fructose

Below are 10 reasons to eat less sugar 1. Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses and return them to fasting levels slower in oral contraceptive users.  2. Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis. 3. Sugar can lower the amount of Vitamin E in the blood.  4. Sugar can impair the structure of DNA.  5. Sugar […]

Injured? How to manage a Sprain or Strain.

If you have ever been involved in a long term physical activity, chances are you’ve experienced some sort of pull or pop that just didn’t feel right. We can usually relate this feeling to either a sprain or strain. These are very common injuries, especially to those who are very active or regularly play sport. […]